Tuesday 17 April 2012

For Diabetes Wow that's a lot of Cinnamon

Prevent-and reverse-diabetes!
Protection from your spice rack--Says 1/2 tsp of cinnamon daily cuts your blood-sugar levels 29%.  I don't have diabetes.  But my grandmother had it, and my mother has it.   The cinnamon on my kitchen table now.  To remind me to use it.  Yesterday and today I added it to my french toast mixture.   For two slices it worked easily. Not sure I will be able to manage that much per day but I think to add cinnamon as much as possible is a good idea. 

Eating with the Non Dominant Hand:  Tried again for breakfast. What a good idea!  It certainly makes me more aware of what and how much I am eating. Normally I just kind of zone out and all of a sudden the food is gone.  Awkward for sure, but I bet with practice I would get better at it. 

 I discovered:  Kirstie Allie's 100 Days of Dance   Already completed.  Darn.  Still dealing with the inner ear dizziness thing.  Boy when it clears up am I going to fly!!  I mean dance!!


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