Friday 30 March 2012

Couldnt resist putting all four colours up

Look Amazing in Springs Hottest Colours

Pasta Dish gets good reviews!

Pasta Dish gets good reviews!
Rigatoni with Artichokes, Garlic and Orange Zest
  I have never made anything like this before My only deviation from the recipe was whole wheat penne instead of rigatoni.  It was good tasting and unusual in that it might be served at a Pasta restaurant but not at my house.  I will definitely make this again for company. 

Hey! I can cook!

Hey!  I can cook!
Pork Chops and Vegetable Medley
I am not the most confident cook.  This was a fairly simple dish with healthy ingredients and fits into any diet I am sure.   I didn't change a thing.  One dish only.   Easy cleanup.   I definitely will make this again. My roommate liked it to and took the leftovers for his lunch.
This challenge is so good for me to gain some confidence in my cooking skills.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Cooking and Cleaning

Make Your Kitchen Self-Cleaning!
Talked about having the fan above the  stove on as it automatically cleans and dehumidifies the air, so grease can't land on your stove, counters etc.
I don't have one but do have a small fan near the stove that I sometimes turn on to disperse cooking odors.  I will turn that on more consistently.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

I really did lose weight!

I lost 2.6 pounds, in one week!  That is not huge to some people but I am not too far from my goal weight so that is a significant amount for me.  I have to say I learned something too.  As a veteran dieter and long time member of Weight Watchers I have found that protein is filling and I emphasize that when I diet.  I can now add resistant starches to my arsenal. My hunger drive has definitely tamed down!!  Although I did not stick to 1200 calories, probably more like 1600 I lost a significant amount of weight. 

Monday 26 March 2012

You Will Not Believe this....

Recession Busters$!  Slash your cellphone bills!

Well we aren't set up the same as the states but it said to call and just check.  So I did. ..

Turns out I am not using all the data I am paying for so I cut that back and am now saving 10.00 per month.

AND ........I decided to ask about my land-line bill too.  Apparently they had been billing me $37.00 per month since Dec 1 on a phone I had discontinued last fall.   So I will be getting a credit back of $148.00 

Win These

This is a page of contests you can enter.  Unfortunately they are for U.S. only.  I think if I can buy the magazine in Canada then I should be eligible to enter their contests.

So...looked at receipts in my purse.  Found one to enter for Canadian Tire and did that, doing their online survey.  Also found one for Wal-Mart and XS Cargo.  May get to those.

Who would believe I am baking for fun!

Make someone special Feel Like a Princess

This is about making really pretty decorated cupcakes.  Invited Kobe and Jettah over.  Since Easter is coming we had an Easter Theme going.  I am not really the baking kind of grandma, so I was kind of proud of myself.  I know their mom appreciated my efforts too. 

Body Language Secrets that Can Make You a Winner

Body Language Secrets that Can Make You a Winner!

To Look  (and feel) more Confident

So take a tip from wonder Woman and adopt a hands on hips feet apart stance to feel more powerful.

I have to say I could feel something there.  I guess if I adopted a cowering stance it would make me feel small.  So I think it is not a bad thing to try before heading into something you are a little nervous about.  Kind of like positive self talk only using your body!!

Thinking I want to finish this entire magazine by Poker Party time so speeding up.

“I Want Secret discounts!”

This is an American magazine so a lot of the page references do not apply here.  I signed up to, which gives food discounts at restaurants, but there was nothing there. 

However I am starting to pay attention to specials, like Thursday is Steak night at Appleby’s.   Wings and a pint special at Fibber Magee’s on Wednesday night.  (Okay will be giving up that one for a little while)

Heal Yourself With Nature Sounds

Day 13

Heal Yourself with Nature Sounds
Bird Songs Ease anxiety.

Downloaded “Chirp! Canada” app bird songs onto my iphone.  Had to pay 2.99 to get one that played continuously.  Actually quite cool as you can do a slide show at intervals you like. There is a picture and info for each bird.   I was able to set it for birds in my area.  So I should learn something too.

Good day food wise.  I am actually impressed.  I think it does cut down on hunger.  Stay near the bathroom though if you attempt it.  No need to do a cleanse.  This is one!!

Ate my first organic apples.  Not as expensive as I thought.  Bought a bag at Wal-Mart.   (Remember?  The peels are supposed to be good for energy dips)  .  Jettah my five-year-old granddaughter requested applesauce today.  So lunch was French toast with homemade applesauce.  Yummy. Ate the peels.

Works Like Gastric Bypass

DA 11

Works like Gastric bypass  ( For continuity sake I will put my weeks worth of being on this diet right here.)

This is a diet that emphasizes resistant starch.  So you start out eating food that contain it, which seem to be mainly bananas, whole grains, rye bread oatmeal, beans and corn.   Of course you are to count your calories too at 1200  It is supposed to curb your appetite down also. 

I did approximately 1200 calories.  Is there corn in beer and wine?  Mistake there.  Otherwise I found it fairly easy and at one point during the day was surprised that I felt my compulsive drive to eat not there.  Feel a glimmer of hope I have been waiting for this section, enthusiastic to try it.  It looks pretty sensible with adding lean protein and vegetables to it.  Cooled potatoes are high and I had them for a snack.  Boiled and cooked with salt and a bit of fat free Greek yogurt.  Could make a low fat potato salad with them too.  

To make it easier I will just put the whole week of being on this diet here.

Diet Day One: (Only bore you with one day of food)
Boiled egg with slice of rye toast and butter.  Coffee with creamer.

Lunch At Regina Beach Bar
Montreal smoked meat sandwich.  (2 slices of rye bread.  Smoked meat and mustard)
Garden salad with ranch dressing on the side.   
A couple of moms French fries
A Cours Lite.

Potato with a bit of Greek yogurt.
A few bites of sweet raisin bun.

4 little chicken chipolte in corn taco shell things from Costco.  Salsa
½ cup three bean salad on lettuce and cucumbers
2 glasses of wine.  

Diet Day 2
Another good day with the menu. (Office cleaning for exercise)

Day 3
Off to Manitou for the day.  Did pretty well calorie wise but ended up at a Chinese
Buffet for lunch in Imperial.  So good …..didn't look very hard for resistant starches.

Diet Day 4
Fish supper at Marias with whole grain rice and veggies.  Perfect.  Incidentally Halibut from the fish Store on 13th ave is delicious.
Diet Day 5 (Sat)
Went dancing! So fun!!  Had some wine and  of course there was the midnight snack which on the positive side included potato salad.   Calorie count a bust at 1800  (lots of exercise though)

Diet Day 6 (Sun)
Despite making cupcakes with the kids had a great day eating wise at 1080 Calories.  (And did office cleaning with my daughters for exercise) 

Diet Day 7 (Mon)
Long time member of weight watchers.  Been avoiding it for a while but facing the music today.  This last week has given me courage again.  Couldn't sleep.  Ended up having a snack in middle of the night.  Otherwise calorie count would have been within limit. 

Young Breakthroughs

Day 7/8 Stay Young Breakthroughs
Day 7
From #1 to protect your heart ….go for Mexican.  Eating vitamin c rich foods three servings per day.

Had my first grapefruit in two years.  Why haven’t I been eating these?  It was really good!!   My daughter told me to take half a pink grapefruit.  Drizzle a bit of honey on it and put it under the broiler for a few minutes. Sounds good.

Out for lunch.  Salad was loaded with red and green peppers.

Did a bit of walking anyway today as I got a little mixed up when I parked down town and had to walk a few extra blocks. 

Oh meant to say, am a lot more aware of where I park now.  It sure is cutting out the anxiety and looking time.  Not sure if the looking back and forth helps but just stopping and paying attention sure does.

Day 8
From #4 To Dodge Energy Dips

Eat an apple, which I did, oops just read it again; it’s the skin that is the good part for this.  I always peel but if I find some organic apples will do it then.  I made a great applesauce and had it with French toast. 
Continuing with three citrus/bell peppers/dark leafy greens.

Day 9

Beauty Boosters with a Health Bonus

Exfoliating peels prevent skin cancer
I decided to use ReNoviste Anti-Aging Glyucolic Peel System
I had bought this some time ago and had never used it.  Now is my chance.  You use it twice a week for a month.  I will see if I can stretch it a little and put it on the top of my hands too.

Day 10

Beat Stress and the blues with the get
-slim hormone!

Apparently Vitamin D helps the brain soak up mood-boosting leptin.  I bought some Vitamin D tablets and will take one a day.  I have read it before that most of us don’t get enough Vitamin D.  There is lots of sunshine here but it has been a long winter and I haven’t been outside much.

Day 11

Foods That make you Cancer-proof

Cabbage cuts breast cancer risk 40%

Wasn’t hard to do.  Made the weight watcher cabbage soup yesterday with my own twist.  Added some rice vinegar, chili peppers and an apple.  And chicken for protein.  Yummy.  Been eating this for two days.  Talk about a cleanse.  Yikes.

Secrets of Eternal Youth

 Secrets of Eternal Youth

Freshen up your Brows plus Create An Expert eye shadow look!

Bought the Annabelle Skinny Brow Liner in Universal Dark.  My eyebrows are thin and black but chose this medium I would call it brown colour as I thought it would be more forgiving.  It has a cute little flat plastic brush on the opposite end.  Followed all the instructions.  Plucking, brushing.   Results good I think.  Since I wear glasses it is sometimes hard to manage doing things like this plus a little difficult to really survey the results. 

First try at the eye mascara blending method.  I think it is a good one but need practice as evidence of the pic.  Will do it again tomorrow. 

Amazing, there is actually a lot to learn in these articles!  At least for me who has done the same very basic makeup routine for years. 

Walk Fiasco:   I took the dogs and the grandkids today.  What an exhausting time.  Kobe (10 years old fell in the deepest puddle I have ever seen and was immersed in water from the waist down.  I called his mom to come and get him, as we were still a ways from home.  The dogs were completely muddied.  After I dropped five year old granddaughter Jettah off, they live only 7 houses from me, I was walking down the back alley trying to figure out how to get the supper ready and dogs washed when there behind my garage an elderly frail woman was stuck with her car.  It was so icy the car had gone down into the ruts and couldn’t get out.  I tried a bit of shoveling and pushing to no avail.  My next-door neighbour drove by into his garage.  I waited for him to come out and he didn’t.  Note to self.  Have to butter up my neighbour. (Long story) I called Liz and she came over with the kids.  Liz and I worked at it some more.  We would almost get it out and then the lady would stop the car.  Finally I drove and Liz pushed and we got it.  Meanwhile I had supper to make and dogs to wash.  An hour later I am collapsed on the couch.  I am NOT taking those poor dogs out again until streets are dryer. Also will cut hair short on their underbellies and legs.   And they do have a big yard.  The kids if they are free we will do it again.  I don’t have to bath them after every walk.

Day 6
Continuing to experiment with the brows and lids.  Also changed my nail polish to yellow today.  Kind of garish to me but happy looking too!!

No walk today.  Get a bit of dizziness when I over exert, and pushing that car out yesterday was it!!  Feeling tired and grumpy, (sorry to all who dared to phone me) hanging around the house and napping through several taped episodes of Wheel of Fortune.    

Look Amazing in Springs Hottest Colours


A two page Spread Look Amazing in Springs Hottest Colours

In anticipation of today’s challenge I decided to look through my wardrobe and incorporate each of the four colours during four days.  My favourite colour of all of them is the lime green!  Might have to go shopping for that one!!

Yesterday I wore my hot pink bunny hug.  I noticed how much bright colours make me feel better with a winter full of greys blues and blacks almost behind me.

Out last night to see the Bacon Brother’s Concert at the Casino.    Wore my faux leather yellow jacket.  Felt very upbeat.  Won $30.00 too.

Today I put on my tangerine zip up sweater.  (Am helping my daughter clean an office complex.  This is for bonding and exercise.   Can I incorporate 20 minutes of yoga into the vacuuming and dusting?  Come on you yoga people help me out here!

Went for a walk today in our beautiful Wascana Park.  Lots of people out today.  It was almost spring.   

Continuing: Look amazing in Springs Hottest Colours

Tried on my lime green jacket.  Why did I think it was outdated?  Went through my nail polish Have all the colours.  See my picture.  Put lime green on.    I cannot believe how happy these colours make me.  No reason not to continue wearing one each day until I get through the magazine.  

Hurray for spring!  Winter is long in Canada. 

Nice long walk with the grand kids and the dogs.  Darn now I have to wash the dogs.  Grand kids ok!!

Boost Your Inner Strength

Day one.  Page 3
Boost your inner strength.
Reach out to friends.
My friend Jean is not feeling well.  I called her and am delivering a couple cans of chicken soup and some orange juice.  A little uptight as I am so busy today but she has been a terrific friend to me when I was ill.  And I can go to the bank at the same time and mail some bills out, so should be all-good.
Delivered the soup.  Was glad I did it!

Haven’t talked to my friend Joan in a long time.  Am going to give her a call later and
Organize a coffee for next week. 

Day Two Page 4 

Never lose your car in the Parking Lot.
Task:  Make a mental note of where you are in terms of landmarks then stand for thirty seconds and move your eyes back and forth.
Didn’t go out today but will remember to try this method because I lose a lot of time looking that’s for sure.  (Will report back)

Day Three Page 5
Chose:  Enjoy a surge of self-esteem
Says:  to feel confident about your body size do 20 minutes of yoga or take a walk every day.  Search was based on woman who did this for four months had higher self-esteem.

Today I did what I could remember about yoga. Stretching felt great!! IT is -12 Celsius here so didn’t feel like a walk.  Don’t know what I will do if other pages conflict with this but will sort it out then.  Hate to go too far ahead.  I like being surprised.

Day Four Page 6

It’s a great Week to…

Chose:  Feast on free Pancakes
For Love the Original Pancake House’s Apple Pancakes?

  Enjoy the taste at home: I made myself buttermilk pancakes as suggested.  Made the applesauce and sprinkled it with cinnamon sugar.  Yummy.  Had the second portion at lunch.

(Did another 20 minutes of yoga)  Pretty icy out there to be going for a walk!
This is kind of fun. 

Sunday 25 March 2012

I am giving myself a fun (I hope) challenge. W

Hi Everyone!
I am giving myself a fun (I hope) challenge.  Woman's World is filled with weight loss tips, diets, healthy eating tips, yummy recipes; ways to live cheaper, better, longer; ways to relax, reduce stress and exercise;  hair and makeup tips;  styles, crafts, activities, vacations.  There is literally something on every page. I have wondered what would happen if people actually acted on what they read, instead of like me, read mainly to relax then turn on the TV, grab a snack and don't change a thing (except maybe my position)  I started this a couple weeks ago, keeping a journal,  then decided to blog it.  Make myself more accountable and have some fun.

Challenge:   Choose and do one tip from each page each day!

Hey! I am a typical woman. I want to lose some weight.   I should eat healthier, exercise more.   I would like to look great when I walk out that door.  I have fun, but sure can get in a rut.  Some days are filled with anxiety, work, and not enough r and r.  I may-be get just a little bored.  Well I must,  because here I am, attempting this.

There is some back reading.  I have taken a few photos along the way.  You will definitely find out more about me as you go along.   Hope you enjoy it and don't judge me too harshly when I don't lose that 13 pounds in a week!!

Coming up soon in the magazine is a Poker Party.  I am throwing myself into this trying to find/do most of the things listed on that page.  Tentative date.  April 6.  Am a little nervous.  Don't have parties.  Don't play poker.  Yikes!