Monday 26 March 2012

Secrets of Eternal Youth

 Secrets of Eternal Youth

Freshen up your Brows plus Create An Expert eye shadow look!

Bought the Annabelle Skinny Brow Liner in Universal Dark.  My eyebrows are thin and black but chose this medium I would call it brown colour as I thought it would be more forgiving.  It has a cute little flat plastic brush on the opposite end.  Followed all the instructions.  Plucking, brushing.   Results good I think.  Since I wear glasses it is sometimes hard to manage doing things like this plus a little difficult to really survey the results. 

First try at the eye mascara blending method.  I think it is a good one but need practice as evidence of the pic.  Will do it again tomorrow. 

Amazing, there is actually a lot to learn in these articles!  At least for me who has done the same very basic makeup routine for years. 

Walk Fiasco:   I took the dogs and the grandkids today.  What an exhausting time.  Kobe (10 years old fell in the deepest puddle I have ever seen and was immersed in water from the waist down.  I called his mom to come and get him, as we were still a ways from home.  The dogs were completely muddied.  After I dropped five year old granddaughter Jettah off, they live only 7 houses from me, I was walking down the back alley trying to figure out how to get the supper ready and dogs washed when there behind my garage an elderly frail woman was stuck with her car.  It was so icy the car had gone down into the ruts and couldn’t get out.  I tried a bit of shoveling and pushing to no avail.  My next-door neighbour drove by into his garage.  I waited for him to come out and he didn’t.  Note to self.  Have to butter up my neighbour. (Long story) I called Liz and she came over with the kids.  Liz and I worked at it some more.  We would almost get it out and then the lady would stop the car.  Finally I drove and Liz pushed and we got it.  Meanwhile I had supper to make and dogs to wash.  An hour later I am collapsed on the couch.  I am NOT taking those poor dogs out again until streets are dryer. Also will cut hair short on their underbellies and legs.   And they do have a big yard.  The kids if they are free we will do it again.  I don’t have to bath them after every walk.

Day 6
Continuing to experiment with the brows and lids.  Also changed my nail polish to yellow today.  Kind of garish to me but happy looking too!!

No walk today.  Get a bit of dizziness when I over exert, and pushing that car out yesterday was it!!  Feeling tired and grumpy, (sorry to all who dared to phone me) hanging around the house and napping through several taped episodes of Wheel of Fortune.    

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