Monday 26 March 2012

You Will Not Believe this....

Recession Busters$!  Slash your cellphone bills!

Well we aren't set up the same as the states but it said to call and just check.  So I did. ..

Turns out I am not using all the data I am paying for so I cut that back and am now saving 10.00 per month.

AND ........I decided to ask about my land-line bill too.  Apparently they had been billing me $37.00 per month since Dec 1 on a phone I had discontinued last fall.   So I will be getting a credit back of $148.00 

Win These

This is a page of contests you can enter.  Unfortunately they are for U.S. only.  I think if I can buy the magazine in Canada then I should be eligible to enter their contests.

So...looked at receipts in my purse.  Found one to enter for Canadian Tire and did that, doing their online survey.  Also found one for Wal-Mart and XS Cargo.  May get to those.

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