Monday 26 March 2012

Works Like Gastric Bypass

DA 11

Works like Gastric bypass  ( For continuity sake I will put my weeks worth of being on this diet right here.)

This is a diet that emphasizes resistant starch.  So you start out eating food that contain it, which seem to be mainly bananas, whole grains, rye bread oatmeal, beans and corn.   Of course you are to count your calories too at 1200  It is supposed to curb your appetite down also. 

I did approximately 1200 calories.  Is there corn in beer and wine?  Mistake there.  Otherwise I found it fairly easy and at one point during the day was surprised that I felt my compulsive drive to eat not there.  Feel a glimmer of hope I have been waiting for this section, enthusiastic to try it.  It looks pretty sensible with adding lean protein and vegetables to it.  Cooled potatoes are high and I had them for a snack.  Boiled and cooked with salt and a bit of fat free Greek yogurt.  Could make a low fat potato salad with them too.  

To make it easier I will just put the whole week of being on this diet here.

Diet Day One: (Only bore you with one day of food)
Boiled egg with slice of rye toast and butter.  Coffee with creamer.

Lunch At Regina Beach Bar
Montreal smoked meat sandwich.  (2 slices of rye bread.  Smoked meat and mustard)
Garden salad with ranch dressing on the side.   
A couple of moms French fries
A Cours Lite.

Potato with a bit of Greek yogurt.
A few bites of sweet raisin bun.

4 little chicken chipolte in corn taco shell things from Costco.  Salsa
½ cup three bean salad on lettuce and cucumbers
2 glasses of wine.  

Diet Day 2
Another good day with the menu. (Office cleaning for exercise)

Day 3
Off to Manitou for the day.  Did pretty well calorie wise but ended up at a Chinese
Buffet for lunch in Imperial.  So good …..didn't look very hard for resistant starches.

Diet Day 4
Fish supper at Marias with whole grain rice and veggies.  Perfect.  Incidentally Halibut from the fish Store on 13th ave is delicious.
Diet Day 5 (Sat)
Went dancing! So fun!!  Had some wine and  of course there was the midnight snack which on the positive side included potato salad.   Calorie count a bust at 1800  (lots of exercise though)

Diet Day 6 (Sun)
Despite making cupcakes with the kids had a great day eating wise at 1080 Calories.  (And did office cleaning with my daughters for exercise) 

Diet Day 7 (Mon)
Long time member of weight watchers.  Been avoiding it for a while but facing the music today.  This last week has given me courage again.  Couldn't sleep.  Ended up having a snack in middle of the night.  Otherwise calorie count would have been within limit. 

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