Monday 26 March 2012

Boost Your Inner Strength

Day one.  Page 3
Boost your inner strength.
Reach out to friends.
My friend Jean is not feeling well.  I called her and am delivering a couple cans of chicken soup and some orange juice.  A little uptight as I am so busy today but she has been a terrific friend to me when I was ill.  And I can go to the bank at the same time and mail some bills out, so should be all-good.
Delivered the soup.  Was glad I did it!

Haven’t talked to my friend Joan in a long time.  Am going to give her a call later and
Organize a coffee for next week. 

Day Two Page 4 

Never lose your car in the Parking Lot.
Task:  Make a mental note of where you are in terms of landmarks then stand for thirty seconds and move your eyes back and forth.
Didn’t go out today but will remember to try this method because I lose a lot of time looking that’s for sure.  (Will report back)

Day Three Page 5
Chose:  Enjoy a surge of self-esteem
Says:  to feel confident about your body size do 20 minutes of yoga or take a walk every day.  Search was based on woman who did this for four months had higher self-esteem.

Today I did what I could remember about yoga. Stretching felt great!! IT is -12 Celsius here so didn’t feel like a walk.  Don’t know what I will do if other pages conflict with this but will sort it out then.  Hate to go too far ahead.  I like being surprised.

Day Four Page 6

It’s a great Week to…

Chose:  Feast on free Pancakes
For Love the Original Pancake House’s Apple Pancakes?

  Enjoy the taste at home: I made myself buttermilk pancakes as suggested.  Made the applesauce and sprinkled it with cinnamon sugar.  Yummy.  Had the second portion at lunch.

(Did another 20 minutes of yoga)  Pretty icy out there to be going for a walk!
This is kind of fun. 

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