Monday 26 March 2012

Young Breakthroughs

Day 7/8 Stay Young Breakthroughs
Day 7
From #1 to protect your heart ….go for Mexican.  Eating vitamin c rich foods three servings per day.

Had my first grapefruit in two years.  Why haven’t I been eating these?  It was really good!!   My daughter told me to take half a pink grapefruit.  Drizzle a bit of honey on it and put it under the broiler for a few minutes. Sounds good.

Out for lunch.  Salad was loaded with red and green peppers.

Did a bit of walking anyway today as I got a little mixed up when I parked down town and had to walk a few extra blocks. 

Oh meant to say, am a lot more aware of where I park now.  It sure is cutting out the anxiety and looking time.  Not sure if the looking back and forth helps but just stopping and paying attention sure does.

Day 8
From #4 To Dodge Energy Dips

Eat an apple, which I did, oops just read it again; it’s the skin that is the good part for this.  I always peel but if I find some organic apples will do it then.  I made a great applesauce and had it with French toast. 
Continuing with three citrus/bell peppers/dark leafy greens.

Day 9

Beauty Boosters with a Health Bonus

Exfoliating peels prevent skin cancer
I decided to use ReNoviste Anti-Aging Glyucolic Peel System
I had bought this some time ago and had never used it.  Now is my chance.  You use it twice a week for a month.  I will see if I can stretch it a little and put it on the top of my hands too.

Day 10

Beat Stress and the blues with the get
-slim hormone!

Apparently Vitamin D helps the brain soak up mood-boosting leptin.  I bought some Vitamin D tablets and will take one a day.  I have read it before that most of us don’t get enough Vitamin D.  There is lots of sunshine here but it has been a long winter and I haven’t been outside much.

Day 11

Foods That make you Cancer-proof

Cabbage cuts breast cancer risk 40%

Wasn’t hard to do.  Made the weight watcher cabbage soup yesterday with my own twist.  Added some rice vinegar, chili peppers and an apple.  And chicken for protein.  Yummy.  Been eating this for two days.  Talk about a cleanse.  Yikes.

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