Friday 4 January 2013

Well miss my blogging and decided to do another Woman's World Challenge.
using the January 7th issue.

I found I was really happy last year doing this and had a lot of fun.    I hope it has the same effect this year!!
I will do one thing from each page, some days two because it can take awhile to get through the whole thing.  Last time I tried to do it exactly in order but that  didn't always work out, so generally speaking I will start at the beginning, work my way to the end but with some skipping around to make sure I get it all done in a timely fashion.

Pg 3
Beat Anxiety with B Vitamins
I can be quite anxious, I avoid doing things, get more anxious, etc.   I happen to have Stress Vitamins....B plus C's  It says one a day for two weeks will make you feel calmer and continue as long as you keep taking them.  Pretty easy if that helps. 

Page 4
Purr-fect way to bust a bad mood!

Petting a cat can revitalize and relax you.  I stopped by and visited my daughter's cat Heidi.  I was relaxed but was Heidi?

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