Monday 14 January 2013

6 easy ways to prevent diabetes

My mother is a diabetic.  My grandmother was.

I like this tip the best:  (I already drink coffee and wine which are helpful)

Have protein with every meal......I am concentrating on this one.  It helps stave off hunger too!!  I long ago discovered while on Weight Watchers that protein is my friend. 

Choose leopard for instant glamour!

Page 8:   First I tried buying some leopard press on nails which fell off..sad

Then I found this cute travel makeup bag at Winners.......  I love it

Downton Abbey

I have to say I have been doing lots of this challenge with no time to enter but here goes!!!!!!!!

It's a great week to........

Pg 6  One of the suggestions to watch the season premiere of Downton Abbey!
I haven't watched this show but did.  Great actresses, Shirley MacLaine and Maggie Smith.   I'm hooked.   I thought it would be boring!!  Wrong!! 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Love and Laughter

Watching Dog Whisperer

Pg 12&13 "Miracle" produce guaranteed to Kep you Healthy!

Mushrooms (lowers cancer risk)
Apples (immune system)
Red Cabbage (antioxidants)
Romaine Lettuce (Prevent eye damage)
5 Parsnips (reduces cholesterol)

I will make sure I eat at least one of these a day for five days.
Yesterday I had mushrooms in my morning omelet with slices of apple on the side.  Yummy! 

Been eating various things from here:  My daughter made Romaine Lettuce chips.  I have to say they were delish!!  Will put receipe in when ask her again.

Also Baked Apple.  Oh my.  So delicious.  Few Calories.  Love love love it.

Also eating lots of cabbage but not the Red.  Buy it next trip to store.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Pg. 14:   Strong bones, strong heart,---here's how!
Actually mentions tai chi as something that is gentle impact and helps bones grow and strengthen.
My first class is today.  I have an inner ear thing that of late seems to be really affecting my balance, so this is my attempt to help this.  Twice a week.  And it fits into getting started at some exercise again like a lot of people in the New Year!!

Pg 15:  6 Easy Ways to Prevent Diabetes
Have Some Protein at every Meal
Says 2 oz of protein with I cup carbs helps cut blood sugar spikes.  I am a great believer in protein as a way to help hunger also.  I would say I do this most of the time, but will make sure I do it all the time.  The last year has been weird in that I gain quite a bit of weight and my normal healthy eating habits were replaced with going out a lot and not keeping the fridge properly stocked.  The last week I seem to be gradually returning to healthier ways.  Thank goodness

Sunday 6 January 2013

Pg 5

Wake up raring to go!

Says before going to bed imagine a serene place such as a beach or field of wildflowers while breathing deeply and slowly for 10 min.  Tried this last night.  I spent some time trying to figure out.  What was the colour of the sand, should I lie on it or a lounge chair.  Umbrella, hat?  Wow the mind loves to keep busy.  Somewhere in all that I fell asleep.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday 4 January 2013

Well miss my blogging and decided to do another Woman's World Challenge.
using the January 7th issue.

I found I was really happy last year doing this and had a lot of fun.    I hope it has the same effect this year!!
I will do one thing from each page, some days two because it can take awhile to get through the whole thing.  Last time I tried to do it exactly in order but that  didn't always work out, so generally speaking I will start at the beginning, work my way to the end but with some skipping around to make sure I get it all done in a timely fashion.

Pg 3
Beat Anxiety with B Vitamins
I can be quite anxious, I avoid doing things, get more anxious, etc.   I happen to have Stress Vitamins....B plus C's  It says one a day for two weeks will make you feel calmer and continue as long as you keep taking them.  Pretty easy if that helps. 

Page 4
Purr-fect way to bust a bad mood!

Petting a cat can revitalize and relax you.  I stopped by and visited my daughter's cat Heidi.  I was relaxed but was Heidi?