Sunday 20 May 2012

Magic Words that Guarantee Success!

Power Phrases that will help you influence others, boosting your odds of getting what you want or need.  

"Like you, I . . ."
I used this the other day with a friend who needed some help.  When I spoke about how I was in the same boat a while back and how I handled it, it helped my friend make a decision.  Which is what I wanted.

"It would make a huge difference if you could..."  Of course this one will work.  I can see it is a strong way of asking for something. 

Friday 18 May 2012

7 Days of Inspiration Day 7

Life has more ups than downs.  Enjoy the ride!

Feeling a little of the down today.  I know it will get better.  Look at sweet Molly.  That is joy.

Thursday 17 May 2012

7 Days of Inspiration Day 6

You're ready for your dreams.  Reach for them!
Well my one regret that bothers me most of the time when I am not doing it is my painting.  I have had a long long dry spell.   Usually though when I pick it up again I am prolific.  

In Woman's World Magazine:
Breakthrough STRESS-BEATERS!
 Stress culprit: #1
Big responsibilities
Instant cure:                      PAINT A PICTURE!

Well I do feel a lot of big responsibilities. 
And it has been a long time since I even felt inspired.  And my biggest regret is not painting especially as there are two grandchildren that I have not yet done.
 Yesterday, I chose two what I think are beautiful photographs that I took of Molly and John.  I worked on my computer figuring out what size would be best.  With many other distractions in my life it would be easy to set this aside but I additionally challenge myself to work on something each day to achieve my art goals. 
So today I will set up my easel and check what I have for supplies etc.  Can't do it in my usual spot because my basement is all torn apart.  However I won't let that stop me.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Garage Sale Report

Garage Sale
It was very successful.  My garage went from packed till almost empty.  The weather was great.  Throngs of people.  Jenny Elizabeth and I all got some cash, hard work yet fun spending the weekend together. 
Unfortunately my bathtub and toilet all plugged up Saturday evening and I had to call Rotorooter at 195.00 an hour overtime.  With tax it cost me 210.00.  Fortunately my friend Steve helped him or it would have taken longer and cost even more.  Also at the same time my bedroom door got locked, where my purse was and that took a half hour to get undone.  What a crazy time.

Scary Time 
Sunday I was getting ready for a relaxing morning before last garage sale day when I  got a call from my sister that she had taken mom was in emergency.  Racing heart, trouble breathing.  A very trying time.  Only in for 24 hours and they got her all settled down but realised how fragile life is, especially when the Dr. come in to discuss a DNR order.  I went there twice to stay with her, plus brought her home after.  I was left kind of shaky.  I know any moment life could be over for any one of us.  I am the oldest of my siblings and feeling my mortality and of course my poor moms.  My coping skill was a little off.  Met with a friend last night.  Talk was good, but too much food and too much wine, not so good.    

7 Days of Inspiration Day 5
Think you Can't do it?  You are Wrong.

I guess this is about doubting yourself.  This is to change your way of thinking.  I am off my usual good eating habits and discouraged about it.  I actually feel that I can't do it.  I know that is crazy.  I have done it before despite all the temptations around me.  Today I will eat healthy. I will not give in to my anxiety.   I will prove myself and my negative thinking WRONG!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Thursday 10 May 2012

7 Days of Inspiration Day 3

You Have the Power to Make Good Things Happen

Today is the day before garage sale day!  Yikes!  And its raining.   But tomorrow is supposed to be sunny so it's a go!  I will advertise today.  Organize some cleanup around here, get change, make some more signs.  It will be fun!The grand kids will love it!  My garage will be cleaned out!  I will get to hang out with my family for two days!  Its a good thing!  It's a good thing!  It's a good thing!  Mantra for today!!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

7 Days of Inspiration Day 2

I think beneath all the turmoil is a peaceful place. Today I am going to access that place and set my ruminations aside.  I ask for an answer and now I let it go.  While I wait for the answer to come I will be at peace. Life is meant to be lived with happiness.  Hello Joy!

 And.......I have a GARAGE SALE to get ready for!!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

7 Days of Inspiration

Day 1
Give yourself some credit.  You deserve it!
I take credit for the help I have given to my family and never once has my faith in them been misplaced.  Of late I am second guessing myself, my motives, my judgement and my self esteem is taking a beating.  I must remember that I am a good and generous person that takes care of herself and others.   That if I make mistakes it is out of ignorance, not malice.  I pray that in the future my actions reflect that person that I have admired in the past. I am a good person.  I have to remember that.

Monday 7 May 2012

Feel More Energized in Seconds!! Wear Hot Pink

Ok could have taken a better pic!
Bought this cute little jacket at Winners.  Very thin material.  I think it is athletic wear of some kind but for me just a bit of warmth and a very nice colour.  It does make me happy to wear it.

Friday 4 May 2012

Surprise! These noodles are superfoods! 2

Made Quinoi pasta. Did a marinara sauce with ground turkey carrots celery and onions.  I spiced it up and it was  tasty.  The pasta was quite firm even though it cooked longer than most pastas.  It was good and was filling as promised. Found it at the health food store. 

Can't find my magazine!!  Yikes.  Searched high and low.  I can find it at the library I hope if it doesnt materialize tomorrow.    I know most of the challenges remaining by heart but not details say of the recipes.

Thursday 3 May 2012

A Moment for YOU

You have so much happiness ahead!
In the days, weeks and months to come, you will have experiences you'll give thanks for.  Make wonderful memories.  Watch dreams come true, and become an even better you.  the future isn't something to worry about.  Its something to look forward to!

This is about relaxing and looking forward to the future with anticipation and joy.  I can do that!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Circle of Kindness

This is doing something kind for someone or having been on the receiving end.

Very small thing, but I probably wouldn't have thought of it  if not for this magazine.

Yesterday I am standing in line at the grocery counter.  It is lunch time and three high school boys are ahead of me.  One has a drink with him that didn't get paid for and his friend doesn't want to reuse his interact to pay for such a small purchase.  They are standing there trying to sort it out.  I can tell that boy wants that drink so badly.  Normally I would just try to patiently wait this out.    I felt a little odd bursting into their conversation but I asked him how much the drink was, then told the clerk to add it to my bill.  Surprised, the boy flashed me a smile, thanked me and off they went.  Aw, that felt good!!

Also, today I gave some change to a busker.  Most times I uncomfortably slip past.  He looked so pleased, gave me a big smile and said "Thank you."  Another feel good moment for me! Thanks Woman's World!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Easy Chicken Dinners Chili-Lime Roast Chicken

Here is the magazine picture and recipe.  I followed it without substitutions.  My chicken was smaller so I put about a third less spices and still had lots.

Quick picture before was all eaten
Pepper mixture for surrounding chicken
This  was a great meal!  I impressed my roommate Gary and my carpenter/friend Kent.  It seemed odd to  take the pieces of chicken and put them in the taco shells (with the mixed peppers) but it worked!  I could of taken better pictures I am sure but hungry guys  waiting for the photo shoot to be over made me a little rushed.   The chicken was covered with a lovely dark brown spice mixture and looked very exotic.  It was also pretty easy to make.  Not much for leftovers after that meal!!